A collection of essays to support your empowerment and growth. You can find more essays here.
Parenting as Spiritual Practice -
Presence, Patience & Guidance
You can imagine all sorts of parenting scenarios and how you might respond to them. And, still, parenting will be a journey in which all your assumptions and ideas are challenged and exposed for you to re-evaluate who you are and what kind of parent you want to be.
Having and Being Enough
Does the thought of balancing work, kids’ activities, your teen’s after-school job, your aging parent’s medical appointments and care, and connected conversation and (gasp!) sex with your partner...not to mention trying to Zoom with friends and remember to send your sister a birthday card make you so tired you just want to hide in a corner with a blanket over your head? Yeah, me, too.
A Crone for All Seasons
Several years ago, I was in a women’s spirituality circle with about 10 other women, most of whom were older than me. One of these women was in her mid-80s, and she was a fierce and vibrant woman and feminist. Through many interactions with her and with other women in their late-60s and beyond, I came to an even greater appreciation for the power of aging with as much self-determination as possible.